
Monday 14 March 2011

Trying times

The past few days have been very trying as I am sure you all understand, but I just wanted to post to say a sincere "thank you" to all those who have sent emails expressing their concern and best wishes.  We really appreciate it.

I lived for a good fifteen years in the region that was struck by both the quake and the tsunami.  Nine of them were spent in Sendai and in Ishinomaki, which- along with other communities situated along the coast- have been hit hard.  

Many people I know and care about are still unaccounted for, and with upwards of 450,000 people without homes in evacuation centres, it will be a while before I can find out whether they are okay or otherwise.
Ishinomaki as it is now.  I lived not far from the hill where this photo was taken.
Things are still chaotic here in Tokyo with train delays, cancellations, and power cuts, and probably will be for a few weeks yet.  But in time life will get back to some kind of normal rhythm here, and I may even find myself in a state of mind to start thinking of toy soldiers- but not quite yet.

I did come across this quote in this article online, which is why I am confident that Japan will recover, even if takes a long time and even if it is never quite the same again.
"Some workers showed up on Monday at a factory in Kuji even though it had been destroyed. Asked why he was there, a young worker smoking a cigarette outside the skeletal remains said: "Because it's a work day."
They've been down before, and they'll get up again. 


  1. These are trying times for Japan and obviously for yourself and friends, hope things work out for you and you get good news.

  2. Hi Robert,

    It is impossible for me to imagine what it is like in Japan, photos just do not tell the story. I read an article in my hometown newspaper (corner brook, newfoundland), about a guy from corner brook who was in a 40 story office building in Tokyo and how he had to walk home ?20km as there were no trains running in Tokyo,and this is miles away from where the damage is. It is all just unimaginable. Anyway I hope you and your family stay well and your friends are safe.

    Personal regards,


  3. Wargaming seems trivial after events like this.

    All the best for you and your family.

  4. Our thoughts are with you, your family, friends and the people of Japan. Cannot imagine what you all must be going through.
    My very best

  5. Hi Robert - I tried to send an email to you on last Saturday but it bounced and I feared the worst so I am so glad to see your blog post. I can't imagine what it'd be like there but the pictures of the tsunami's devastation are horrifying. I know the Japanese to be a brave and resourceful people and my heart goes out to them. I hope your and your family are safe - take care, our thoughts in Aussie are with you.


  6. All my encouragement for you and your family to get through this terrible event.

  7. Our prays and hearts are with you and the Japanese people!
    Remember: En avant, toujours en avant!
    Best regrads

  8. hope things will be better soon
